Friday, January 28, 2005
finally nw its 28 January 2005 le..
Happy 19th Birthday to Me..
Happy birthday to me
happy birthday to me
happy birthday to meeeee..
Happy birthday to me
hehe hope i hav a wonderful yr ahead..
n oh yah i got myself pampered todae wif a gorgeous medicure done..
so nice..
~signing off~ happily... *beam*
Thursday, January 27, 2005
oh this seem like yrs back le.. took during our neocard freak period.. hahaha..

hehe.. my Grad Grp Foto.. u'll c lots of funny hats mortar board here.. hahaha

Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Hmmm today is 26 Jan le.. 2 more days to reach my Birthday le.. Yippie.. and my last TEEN is reaching le..
today my fellow childcare collegues bought me presents n a BIRtHDAY CAKE for me.. i damn touched n surprise.. but the lil regret is i dun hav my cam wif me.. nvm most imprt is all this they done for me.. love them all so much.. juz like my big family.. and hehe.. i so lovable.. of cuz they dote me la.. hahah.. bhb rite.. keke.. really say a BIG THANK YOU to each of them.. n decided gonna serve them tis sat at my chalet.. keke..
hmm tis last teen Bdae was special.. mummy got a chalet for me.. so happy.. she promised for yrs le..
tis chalet has deep deep meanin for me.. besides my closest ones gathered together.. its a great reward for me.. n i hope to hav the greatest enjoyable bdae chalet.. so all the bad thing go shoo shoo away..
hmm hope my 3 wishes made todae come true o.. hope i hav a exciting 19th yr...
Wish Me A Very Very Happy Birthday.. a blessful one indeed o..
P.S Happy Bdae to Nick Carter too..
~signin off~ smooth smooth this whole week..
Saturday, January 15, 2005
Today 15 January 2005 ( hmm every mth 15 seems to be my big day..) , i graduated at Singapore Conference Hall.. i get up early this mornin.. mum n dad dress up n off we go to pick up my aunt.. we reached there and i was like not noeing wher or wad to do.. so helpless.. hmm the ushers shld be more helpful mah.. finally done my registration n get my grad gown on.. walkin dwn the satirs remind me of princess diary.. first episode.. the part when the princess begin to fall but lucky enuff grab hold of somethin.. took quite some photos.. finally when goin for the briefing.. saw some classmates.. n oh my.. 1 yr hasnt seen them le.. 1 of them is 4 mths pregnant le.. *so blessed*
i was lined the 7th one to go up.. i can see tat there were so few dip/adv diplomars din come.. so in this ceremony onli abt 15 of us are the grads for dip and adv dip.. the rest are bachelor n master degree.. all wif montar board except us.. *shake head* next time got such grad ceremony i wont go unless i wear a montar board.. haha.. hmm being in the veri first row was fun n yet a stupid photographer kept blocking my view.. *ARGH* n the worse is i gotta stay in my seat until abt 200 grads taken their cert.. wah.. n finally the loudest applause was given to the veri last grad on stage.. in my heart was like.. F-I-N-A-L-L-Y FINALLY ended le.. who noes everyone was cramped at the small space outside the door.. waitin to go in n take faculty grp photos.. n guess wad we dip grads are the last grp to take.. heheh n guess wad.. stand beside me while takin photo was a look alike the singapore idol.. Sylvester... haha look alike onli la.. but hehe at least i stand beside a look alike mah.. keke.. *blushed* n finally went dwn tot i could get somethin to eat.. so hungry u noe.. n u noe.. nothin much was left.. haha.. n the funny joker thingy is ther's food but no plates.. wahahha.. in my heart was like LOL.. then it was quite late le.. we abt to left but wah.. do u noe the parking fees how much.. $13.00 sia.. wow damn expensive.. n the parking lot is like normal wad.. n the singapore conference hall was lookin so old already.. cant believe it.. but once in a lifetime la.. let it past loh..
hmm reached hm n i was totally exchausted.. take a small nap.. n watch tv.. alone somemore.. cuz parents nt at hm they go do the tsunami charity thing.. i was left alone at hm on my grad nite.. so pathetic.. n all my frens are busy wif their things.. haiz.. so sianz.. sadded.. but wad to do..
so who says distance wont make a diffrence.. it did make a diff.. think thru hard.. dun say it isnt cuz u still think nt hard enuff.. n lazy is the word for everyone..
gettin more n more lifeless.. so frens cherish ur school life nw.. if nt when u start workin u will regret.. haiz i was always said as think too much in here.. tryin to say myself veri ke lian.. pls loh cant i grumble n give some blabberings.. who can take it when so much temptation n happening to lure u dwn.. thou we are by thousand miles apart.. but used to feel like 1 metre apart but nw.. it seems thousands n thousands apart.. something always being brought up is who's makin effort n who's not.. come on.. who really can afford to make effort all the time.. n when u pointin someone seems like make no effort den did u think abt urself.. did u make effort too.. so end up all this effort is rubbish.. the onli things matter is u wan or dun wan to do.. as often said by anyone of us is.. LAZY.. kinda of true too.. who nvr lazy b4.. its a pity to be apart yet this is coming to the surface soon.. everyone feels tat.. juz tat isnt gd to face it.. living in a diff aim of life is like livin alone.. n in life there always hav no forever companion.. juz onli can face it alone..
n recently the tsunami charity thingy.. all seems more like challenging to show their care n kindness too eagerly.. when being there n help out may seems a better help?? statement above does not represent by this organisation.. thank you.. sounds familar o.. often sees tat on tv bah..
feels kind of sad dun wish to say further le..
~signed off~
Saturday, January 08, 2005
todae is my 12 yrs fren Bdae.. Keong Happy 19th Birthday loh.. the lst in rwds wor.. n i'm the second.. proud leh.. wahahha..oh yah.. below.. is Mond's farewell gathering.. we gather at the seoul garden.. lots of photos rite.. esp mond's one.. nw still can act cute.. pose so mani funny pose..
wahahha.. after 3 weeks cant loh.. keke..and we had lots lots of fun.. esp saw ben's latest classic.. the Chucky Pose.. really LOL... hahaha n the 8 days every week.. n oso the mond's autobiography book.. hahahah.. n of cuz the interesting part is our message for mond..our secrets wif mond.. wahahhaha,,,
k loh.. i'm goin to hav a very busy week busy coping wif teaching.. shld be bloggin again at weekends loh..
~signin off~
take care everyone..
dun get sick ah..
oh its the new member of Cutie Happy Family.. here u c Tong nw..

and now u see its mond..

oh noooo.. are we too engrossed in cutie.. haha..

and recently happened todae.. ben's latest classic.. the chucky pose.. again by us the Cutie Happy Family..

orh oh.. here it comes again.. the classic pose by us the Cutie Happy Family..

the Cutie Happy Family.. aint we cute.. awww..

hahaha.. Mond wif the cry lady - Bao..

o ohh.. disturbed by yan.. esp wif the chopsticks.. wahahha.. poor mond n lex..

haha.. 2 act cutie.. dunno jump out frm wher.. keke..

ohh noooo.. cutie mond n an.. wif.. angry fierce james.. mr man r like tat.. keke

tHe Classic Pose nicely done by Rwd 05 and 10..

heheh.. here we are.. recallin back ben's classic pose..

tHe 3 GerLy Rwdians.. rwds simply cant live w/o them..

ohhh no.. taking fotos wif the AGUAS.. wahaahaa

1 yandao.. and 3 chio bu[S].. hahhaha..

Mond wif our Hei Bai Liang Dao..

poor guy.. saw his face.. waiting to start bbq for sooo long.. hungry ya? keke..

c.. this 2 fellow here.. are too busy eating.. like emperors..

2 cutie gers startin their bbqin.. c the chopsticks.. hehe..

mR cHeeKy gUy the last one to come join us..

Thursday, January 06, 2005
wad week.. coming to end soon.. tml will be having dinner wif rwds for Mond's farewell.. sobbie.. but dun worry mond will be back on CNY.. so Bao dun sob anymore lah.. keke..
hmm jia you ah..
had a tough week.. handling lots n lots crying n messy children alone.. damn tired.. one teacher mc one on course.. hate it man.. thou i cant do anything but to hang on wif it..
and damn it.. wanted to quit workin here.. hav i endure too much.. den y is everyone puttin tat into me..shld i tell boss.. argh.. S-T-R-E-S-S STRESS..
died of STRESS...
~signed off~
Sunday, January 02, 2005
its the 2nd day of 2005 le.. i'm fine liao.. yesterday too tired le.. maybe need a break for awhile..
hmm this january.. sobbie sobbie mond going army soon le.. nvm c u on weekends if u nt tired..
den a lil something.. my grad ceremony coming soon too.. n my bdae chalet too.. u guys prepare my presents ah..
got to slp liao..
~signin off~
Saturday, January 01, 2005
its Year 2005..
on the last day of 2004.. i had fun with rwds - Ben Mond Bert Hock Meng Nget n Kbox.. Sang alot of oldies songs.. its hell lots of fun..
after tat we head to central park to meet Tong n Yan for countdwn to 2005.. den paul joined us dwn to pasir ris park.. alot ppl there celebratin.. cant help but we began to tok abt the Tsunami..
Had a long nite there..
before realisin i going hm the diff way.. i was followin out to the road..
they gone hm together..
while me the diff route..
i still dun feel like goin home..
but cant tell anyone.. cuz its late they shld get home..
wif onli 10 buck i not sure can go hm anot..
i tot of waitin to take bus hm..
but the sudden alone n fear came upon me..
home seems like a reality to me..
outside wonderin seems like paradise so freely..
home is full of flowin prob..
i hate goin home..
i am gettin sick n tired.. but nowhere to go..
i hate feeling such miserable in the first day of a new yr..
but this new yr seems like another yr of torturing..
everyday is like money money money.. live for the sake of money..
den wad the point of livin..
i regret wad i'm nw n regret becoming like this..
i hate regrets yet i hav them
u can never understand how i feel.. cuz u nvr get this in ur life..
u nvr got no choice but to work n support family
u nvr will troubled for the rest of the month when ur pay isnt high..
u nvr noe how its like to envy schooling kids
u wont noe how to deal wif urself
u wil nvr hate urself hav to head a diff way from those born on the same yr as u
its enough.. its never ending..
maybe life is onli an obligation..
if all of the above happens to u.. den welcome to my life..
~signin off~
sorry Yan makin u worried.. i will get better after shittin out all tis shit here..
hope everything is fine..